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Starting October 1st all families can... scratch that SHOULD complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in early October of the student's senior year of high school and each year they are in college no matter how much money you have since many colleges utilize their FAFSA list to award merit based scholarships. It's free! Here is a link to apply and to useful information:

If your college bound child is younger than a high school senior, the FAFSA4caster is a valuable tool. Input your current financial numbers and it will give you an estimate of what the government determines is your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Be ready for the number to shock you. If you start this process earlier than senior year, however, consult a financial advisor who will work with you to suggest movement of money to areas where it doesn't count against your EFC as much, and can lower it, saving you future tuition dollars. The earlier you make these changes the better!

To receive financial aid for college, you must submit the FAFSA. Your college may also want you to submit the CSS Profile, an additional application that determines state and institutional financial aid. Difference between the FAFSA and CSS profile. Click here for more information.

Here is another great link!



Make sure to rise above pandemic challenges to education to be ready for next year!


In this challenging time, schools and districts were faced with implementing a drastically revamped education structure virtually in a matter of weeks or less.  They are doing the best to help students finish the school year safely and with as many learning opportunities as possible.  While it is understandable that the level of learning may be impacted, students must take it upon themselves to help themselves in order to prepare for next school year when expectations in their next set of classes are returned to pre-crisis heights.  Students in pre-calculus this year, for example, must push themselves because next year's calculus class is not likely to start with three months of review. 


Top three suggestions to get the most out of this school year:

  • Build in structure - set up a reasonable wake-up time, work times for each course, and bedtime.

  • Do optional work, attend optional meetings with teachers, ask to meet regularly with teachers. Set up study groups (a great leadership experience to add to your activity resume for college applications).

  • If quizzes, tests, and/or finals are no longer a part of class, ask your teachers if you can take them for no credit to ensure learning.


Contact us for academic services to help bridge the gap.  We offer personalized, one-on-one tutoring to help students fill in the gaps to ensure a strong next year.


Brandywine School of Wizardry Registration Open

Posted Sept 11, 2021


Wizarding Families! We hope you all had a wonderful summer and stayed safe and healthy during this time. We have a few one-nighters planned, and registration has been going well.  We still have spots open for the one-nighters and camp info will be out around the year change.  Don't forget to sign up! Learn more about our School of Wizardry HERE.


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